A2i Blog

13 March 2023

What is e-text?

By Amelia Ling E-text has become an incredibly popular format for companies to have transcribed. But what is e-text? E-text simply means any text that can be read digitally such as a book, pdf and even a text message. Your company might require documents to be transcribed into e-text so they can be read digitally …

A young man sitting at a desk, looking at a laptop and listening to audio through headphones.

19 January 2023

Your documents as a BSL video – the benefits

British Sign Language (BSL) is the first and most preferred language among the d/Deaf community. It consists of not just hand gestures, but also facial expressions, and body language. According to British Deaf Association (BDA), 151,000 UK citizens use BSL. But did you know that BSL is very different to English, with different grammar and …

A lady signing

28 November 2022

How A2i create Easy Read documents

How A2i create Easy Read documents By Amelia Ling As A2i’s newest Easy Read transcriber, I feel as though I’m just starting to get to grips with the process of creating Easy Read documents. In six short months, I have already helped to create documents for disability charities, educational institutions, and national bodies such as …

A page of an Easy Read document explaining how to complete an accessible form

21 November 2022

BSL video orders with A2i: How to order and what to expect

The importance of BSL videos British Sign Language (BSL) videos make your information accessible to d/Deaf and hard-of-hearing users. This enables independence, inclusion, and a modern solution for meeting the needs of the d/Deaf community. A2i believes that bespoke BSL videos with subtitles are the most accessible format for d/Deaf end users. To find out …

A man relaxing on a sofa with his hands behind his head

17 October 2022

How can Braille Maths help students in university?

Some common phrases you’ll hear a university student say are, “I’m stressed” and “I’m so behind”. Can you imagine the magnitude of stress for students who are visually impaired? Universities try to motivate learners to become independent in their studies and lives. Still, the significance of Student Support Services remains high. They are available to …

Empty lecture theatre

6 October 2022

The benefits of Braille Maths in educational settings

A Maths degree? That sounds difficult! Calculus, geometry, matrices, statistics – these sound quite daunting to a lot of people. Now imagine trying to do a Maths, Science or Engineering degree with little or no sight…. Visually impaired students may face some challenges when they first go to college or university – finding their way …

A student writing complex maths on a blackboard

22 September 2022

A2i are improving the look of your documents

Your alternative format documents might look different – we hope you like them. A2i’s primary aim is to make information accessible. We specialise in making accessible documents for people with visual or hearing impairments, learning disabilities and other types of disability. As part of our professional service we understand that branding, and a consistent and …

3 CD's with bands of colour to correspond with the corporate colours. Some CD's also show organisations logos and the front cover of the equivalent standard print version.

15 August 2022

A2i and Mencap working together

About A2i and Easy Read A2i holds a promise of ‘making information accessible’ and we provide a wide range of document transcription services that enable people with disabilities to have equal access to information. Our services include, Braille, Audio, Large Print, Easy Read and more! Let’s take a closer look at Easy Read. A2i’s Easy …

A2i staff including work experience trainee from Mencap sitting around a table having a meeting

10 August 2022

Interview with Oscar – his work experience at A2i as an adult with learning disabilities

About A2i Transcription Services Our company, A2i is an accessible communication specialist and leading transcription service provider that can help organisations reach and communicate to a wider audience who are blind, visually impaired, hearing-impaired, have a learning disability, or cannot read printed or on-screen text. We hold a promise of ‘making information accessible’ for all. …

A young man working at an office desk, wearing headphones

23 June 2022

Forms and surveys in alternative formats – how to make them accessible

If you have a form or survey, and you’re getting it transcribed into alternative formats such as Braille, Audio, Easy Read or British Sign Language video – that’s great. But have you thought about how people who read the Braille document, or listen to the audio, are going to respond? They can’t just fill in …

Easy Read form
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