Tag: accessibility

13 March 2024

How do visually impaired people access e-text documents?

By Dave Horwood As a visually impaired person, I feel empowered when an e-text document is accessible. It means I can access information without assistance, on an equal footing with my sighted friends and family. What is E-text? E-text is text that can be read digitally such as e-books, pdf documents and even text messages. …

Dave sitting at his desk, smiling, in A2i's office. He is wearing a turquoise jumper and has headphones on

27 February 2024

What is a BSL video?

Firstly, let’s talk about BSL. BSL stands for British Sign Language, and it’s a visual means of communication that includes gestures, facial expressions, and body language. According to Sense, BSL is the preferred language of around 87,000 people who are D/deaf. BSL is also used by many hard of hearing and hearing individuals. A BSL …

Image of a screen. The majority of the screen shows a still from a video, with a lady sitting at a garden table, talking. In the bottom right of the screen there is a man signing. To the left of the signer, and underneath the video of the lady, there are 2 lines of white subtitles on a dark blue background.

19 February 2024

How to convert documents into Large Print accessible format

 How to get documents your translated into Large Print Have you been asked to produce your information in Large Print?  You may be thinking, “…surely I can just magnify my document on the photocopier?” Or “Maybe I’ll just increase the font size…” We explain below why it can be a bit more complex than that, …

Photo of front covers of some documents for the Football Association. the bottom document is the standard print version. The other document is the Large Print version created by A2i.

13 December 2023

What is an Easy Read video

In our last blog, we talked about our new Easy Read service, embedded Easy Read. Additionally, we now offer Easy Read videos. Easy Read videos Like our standard Easy Read booklet, information in our videos is laid out in easily digestible slides and accompanied by suitable images. Specifically designed for adults with learning disabilities, Easy …

Image of front page of ER video entitled 'Why it’s hard for Deaf and Disabled people to take part in literature'. There are 3 company logos across the top (Criptic Arts, Arts Council England & Spread the Word), the document title is underneath, and below that there is an image of a girl sitting and leaning forward on a table, smiling.

8 December 2023

Audio Transcription – it’s more than reading!

Have you ever wondered what goes into producing an audio version of a text document? It’s more complicated than you might think! There are a few things to think about before one of our audio transcribers even begins to record the document: Before recording Depending on the length of the document, the first thing our …

A man sitting in a recording studio, with a microphone close to his mouth.

27 November 2023

Embedded Easy Read for your website – what it is and how it works

We have recently expanded our Easy Read services to include embedded Easy Read and Easy Read videos. We have decided to write several blogs to help explain what these are and how they might be useful to your company. But, first, let’s go back to basics and talk about Easy Read. Easy Read One of …

Image of online survey in Easy Read

3 November 2023

Easy Read – what to think about

By Amelia Ling You might not know how the process of Easy Read transcription works, or even what to ask for when you place an order with us – that’s why we’re here to help. Before we transcribe your document  into Easy Read, there are four things the A2i team would like you to consider: …

A group of people around a meeting table, looking at documents

13 October 2023

How to get documents translated into audio

  You’ve been asked for an audio version of your magazine or letter. You know it’s important for accessibility, but what does ‘an audio version’ mean? And how can you arrange to get one? Let A2i help you with your audio needs Documents translated into an audio format are useful for people who are print …

Headphones on a bright yellow background

4 October 2023

‘A new Consumer Duty’: new access rules for financial services organisations

Since July of this year, financial services organisations have been expected to follow new rules that govern how they should treat their customers, especially more vulnerable customers. If you are an organisation that offers financial services such as banking, insurance or investment, this is for you. We want to help you keep up to date …

A desk with bills, a calculator and a pen spread across it

3 July 2023

Arabic Braille and Braille in other languages

6 million Braille users According to the Musée Louis Braille, Braille is used by around 6 million people worldwide, in every single language. While the majority of Braille A2i produces is Grade 2 UEB Braille (UEB meaning Unified English Braille), did you know we can also produce Braille in a number of other languages? We …

An book with Arabic text on the left-hand page, and English text on the right-hand page
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