Category: Accessibility

14 June 2024

Running a business for 25 years

By Susie Fisher Setting up my transcription business When I set up this business, I didn’t really have any long-term aspirations or goals. I simply saw a need, and felt I knew how to meet that need. At age 25, I also had the perspective of youth with little responsibility and plenty of energy! Who …

Susie Fisher smiling

12 June 2024

A2i’s new video – meet some of our staff and learn about our services

Here’s the full script of A2i’s video Hi, I’m Susie Fisher, Director of A2i. I set up A2i in 1999. I was working in a disability department in a University at the time, where I discovered that it was impossible to get course materials in Braille in less than two months which was obviously too …

Front screen of video. A blue background with A2i's logo and strapline. The text says "We're celebrating 25 years. A2i 1999 est. making information accessible"

20 May 2024

5 ways A2i increase the digital accessibility of your e-text PDFs.

by Amelia Ling   At A2i, our expert transcribers follow a strict process, guided by WCAG accessibility standards, to ensure our e-text documents are accessible to people who are Blind or visually impaired. E-text is a digitally accessible format for people who cannot read printed text. Some people need to read information digitally using accessible …

A lady preparing e-text on a computer screen

17 May 2024

A2i’s new staff member – introducing Dave Horwood!

Dave joined A2i in the Autumn last year, having moved back to Bristol from Brighton. Dave’s knowledge and skills have been invaluable as we continue to improve our products, and he is a much-valued member of the A2i team.   We asked Dave some questions about his role, as well as what he likes to …

Dave standing outside the Red Lion pub in Salisbury, at the end of one of his charity walks. Dave is wearing shorts, a t-shirt and a big rucksack! The pub is 800 years old, with pretty hanging baskets and a statue of a red lion, next to Dave.

19 February 2024

How to convert documents into Large Print accessible format

 How to get documents your translated into Large Print Have you been asked to produce your information in Large Print?  You may be thinking, “…surely I can just magnify my document on the photocopier?” Or “Maybe I’ll just increase the font size…” We explain below why it can be a bit more complex than that, …

Photo of front covers of some documents for the Football Association. the bottom document is the standard print version. The other document is the Large Print version created by A2i.

27 November 2023

Embedded Easy Read for your website – what it is and how it works

We have recently expanded our Easy Read services to include embedded Easy Read and Easy Read videos. We have decided to write several blogs to help explain what these are and how they might be useful to your company. But, first, let’s go back to basics and talk about Easy Read. Easy Read One of …

Image of online survey in Easy Read

3 November 2023

Easy Read – what to think about

By Amelia Ling You might not know how the process of Easy Read transcription works, or even what to ask for when you place an order with us – that’s why we’re here to help. Before we transcribe your document  into Easy Read, there are four things the A2i team would like you to consider: …

A group of people around a meeting table, looking at documents

13 October 2023

How to get documents translated into audio

  You’ve been asked for an audio version of your magazine or letter. You know it’s important for accessibility, but what does ‘an audio version’ mean? And how can you arrange to get one? Let A2i help you with your audio needs Documents translated into an audio format are useful for people who are print …

Headphones on a bright yellow background

23 March 2023

What is the difference between Large Print and e-text?

By Amelia Ling   Large Print and e-text are both alternative formats for people with a print disability. If someone has a print disability, this means they have a visual impairment or a learning disability that impacts their ability to read, such as dyslexia. What is similar? For both Large Print and e-text, all text …

An open laptop on a desk. There is an orange and black image on the screen, above some text. There is an open notebook by the laptop. A person's arm is on the desk, with the hand hovering over the mouse pad of the laptop.

13 March 2023

What is e-text?

By Amelia Ling E-text has become an incredibly popular format for companies to have transcribed. But what is e-text? E-text simply means any text that can be read digitally such as a book, pdf and even a text message. Your company might require documents to be transcribed into e-text so they can be read digitally …

A young man sitting at a desk, looking at a laptop and listening to audio through headphones.
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