Tag: Braille

27 January 2025

Top tips: employing someone with a disability

In this article we’ll explain what you need to know about employing someone with a disability, as well as tell you about personal experience from both the employer’s and employee’s points of view. A2i has experience of working with people with disabilities for many years, and so we’ve summarised the main things you need to …

Susie (employer) and Dave (employee) sitting at a meeting table together. Susie is reading from a booklet, Dave if reading a Braille document.

19 December 2024

Looking Ahead: A2i’s Vision for the Future

Our Director, Susie Fisher, tells us about her vision for the company’s future, and how she plans to continue innovating and growing over the next 25 years.   25 years of A2i As we come to the end of 2024 and I look back over a year of celebrations and 25 years in business, it’s …

Susie Fisher

21 October 2024

A2i’s new staff member – Introducing Rick

Rick joined A2i in October 2023. He moved to Bristol from Southampton, having previously lived in Sevilla, Spain for three years. In just this short time, Rick has become proficient in audio, Large Print and reading Braille and is currently working towards his first Braille literacy qualification, to further develop his knowledge and skills. We …

Rick, sitting in a park, smiling. Rick has black hair, a moustache and a small beard, and he's wearing a pale green jumper.

19 July 2024

How has technology improved accessibility over the last 25 years?

At A2i we’re celebrating our 25th birthday so we’re looking back at how accessibility and technology have changed over the last 25 years. From mobile phones to AAC devices, we want to talk about how modern technology has improved accessibility for disabled people. In 1999, as the millennium approached, there was a sense of society …

A hand catching a mobile phone

10 July 2024

How has Braille changed over the last 25 years?

By Dave Horwood   At A2i we’re celebrating our 25th birthday this year so we’re looking back at what has changed for our customers and staff since 1999. While Braille has been through many changes since its invention exactly 200 years ago, its role in teaching literacy to visually impaired people and allowing them to …

A refreshable Braille display

17 May 2024

A2i’s new staff member – introducing Dave Horwood!

Dave joined A2i in the Autumn last year, having moved back to Bristol from Brighton. Dave’s knowledge and skills have been invaluable as we continue to improve our products, and he is a much-valued member of the A2i team.   We asked Dave some questions about his role, as well as what he likes to …

Dave standing outside the Red Lion pub in Salisbury, at the end of one of his charity walks. Dave is wearing shorts, a t-shirt and a big rucksack! The pub is 800 years old, with pretty hanging baskets and a statue of a red lion, next to Dave.

4 October 2023

‘A new Consumer Duty’: new access rules for financial services organisations

Since July of this year, financial services organisations have been expected to follow new rules that govern how they should treat their customers, especially more vulnerable customers. If you are an organisation that offers financial services such as banking, insurance or investment, this is for you. We want to help you keep up to date …

A desk with bills, a calculator and a pen spread across it

3 July 2023

Arabic Braille and Braille in other languages

6 million Braille users According to the Musée Louis Braille, Braille is used by around 6 million people worldwide, in every single language. While the majority of Braille A2i produces is Grade 2 UEB Braille (UEB meaning Unified English Braille), did you know we can also produce Braille in a number of other languages? We …

An book with Arabic text on the left-hand page, and English text on the right-hand page

19 June 2023

What is UEB Braille, and what is Grade 1 and Grade 2 Braille?

By Talia Morse Have you ever wondered what the term ‘UEB’ means, or what the different grades used to describe Braille mean? Here’s a quick rundown on what we mean when we use those phrases.   UEB Braille Most of the Braille documents A2i produce are in UEB Grade 2 Braille, which is the most …

The sentence “People like knowledge but don’t like reading” in Grade 2 Braille at the top and in Grade 1 Braille underneath. The Grade 2 example is less than a line long. The Grade 2 example is almost 2 lines long.

17 October 2022

How can Braille Maths help students in university?

Some common phrases you’ll hear a university student say are, “I’m stressed” and “I’m so behind”. Can you imagine the magnitude of stress for students who are visually impaired? Universities try to motivate learners to become independent in their studies and lives. Still, the significance of Student Support Services remains high. They are available to …

Empty lecture theatre
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