Category: Easy Read

10 October 2019

20 years of business at A2i

As we celebrate A2i’s business maturity and 20th birthday, our MD looks back over 20 years of change and looks ahead to an exciting future. By Susie Fisher A2i has grown into an established and reliable business, and 20 years is a huge success worth celebrating. I look back and remember modems, tape cassettes, and …

Susie Fisher smiling

28 September 2018

Accessible theatre: 5 amazing ways to enjoy a night out

Going to the theatre is special. Whether it’s to see a colourful musical, the latest smash-hit play or a festive family pantomime, these are treats that we should all be able to enjoy. Having a physical, sensory or mental disability does not mean you cannot experience the thrill of live performance. Did you know that …

Image of a theatre interior

12 June 2018

Say it loud: let people know about your accessibility measures

“No thanks, we don’t need your accessibility services – we don’t have any blind customers…” As a company devoted to making information accessible to people who are blind and visually-impaired, this is something we hear quite a lot. And, to be honest, it’s a little frustrating. Businesses and services should understand that customers often don’t ask …

23 May 2018

Getting your GDPR policies in accessible formats

We hope you’re nearly there with your own preparations for GDPR, coming into force on 25 May. But please don’t forget your print-disabled customers, as they’ll need to read GDPR policies too. For support making your policy documents accessible for your blind and print disabled contacts, get in touch – we’re happy to help! For …

22 May 2018

GDPR and Access – find out what your clients really want

Contacting your clients about GDPR? Find out their preferred format at the same time. Did you know that not all blind people read Braille? Some people may prefer Large Print, Audio, or e-text formats. Some of your customers with failing eyesight might not even be aware of the opportunity to read information in Large Print. And don’t forget …

19 March 2018

What is the purple pound?

The term ‘purple pound’ is now widely used to refer to the collective spending power of disabled people. This spending power is estimated to be worth about £249bn to the UK economy. Apart from being a legal duty, if you don’t make your products and services accessible to people with disabilities, you risk losing this …

16 October 2017

Getting accessible customer-service right first time

Recent research into how sensory-impaired people access disability benefits highlights problems in the PIP benefits application process. These problems are unnecessary, and hinder people from accessing the benefits they both rely on, and are entitled to. Ensuring people can access their disability benefits is of utmost priority, and these issues need to be addressed. But …

18 September 2017

The Accessible Information Standard: update

Accessible Information Standard How A2i can help you comply with the Accessible Information Standard The UK government’s Accessible Information Standard came into force from the 1st August 2016. You may already know that the Standard requires publicly funded health and social care organisations to ensure patients, service-users, their parents, and carers can get information in …

2 June 2017

How to write an alternative format statement

It may seem an odd question, but just how accessible is your statement about your document’s accessibility? We often find that document accessibility statements like ‘this information is available in alternative formats on request’ are in a tiny, hard-to-read font or colour, often hidden away at the back of the document – when they should …

2 June 2017

Are you reaching all print-disabled customers?

Do you have customers with dyslexia or learning difficulties who might also benefit from accessible formats? Meaning of Print Disability Although most of the recipients of our transcriptions have sight loss, many are sighted but are described as having a ‘print-disability’. But what does ‘print-disabled’ actually mean? “A print disabled person is a person who …

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