A2i Blog

7 July 2017

Making linguistics and language learning accessible

How can we make linguistics and language learning accessible for visually impaired students? I’ve just returned from a very fruitful and inspiring workshop, ‘Accessible Linguistics for Visually Impaired Students’ (ALVIS), organised by York St John university exploring just this. Students, academics, teachers, and professionals from Brazil, Poland, and across the UK gathered in the beautiful city of …

9 June 2017

A2i launches new website

We’re delighted to launch our new, user-friendly website, packed full of resources and advice to help you reach your blind, partially-sighted and print-disabled customers and end-users. You may have already noticed it, but we’ve been hard a work re-designing our website which we hope you’ll find much easier to use. The site now offers: easier to …

2 June 2017

How to write an alternative formats statement

It may seem an odd question, but just how accessible is your statement about your document’s accessibility? We often find that document accessibility statements like ‘this information is available in alternative formats on request’ are in a tiny, hard-to-read font or colour, often hidden away at the back of the document – when they should …

2 June 2017

Are you reaching all print-disabled customers?

Do you have customers with dyslexia or learning difficulties who might also benefit from accessible formats? Meaning of Print Disability Although most of the recipients of our transcriptions have sight loss, many are sighted but are described as having a ‘print-disability’. But what does ‘print-disabled’ actually mean? “A print disabled person is a person who …

26 May 2017

Meet new recruit, Will!

Will Taylor is our newest recruit, having moved to Bristol only very recently. A super-quick learner with a background in audio production, Will is a much-valued member of the A2i team. It’s tricky to grab a photo of Will but here’s one of him (left), with Marianne, Liam and Susie hard a work! Find out …

26 May 2017

How do you vote if you have sight loss?

Unless you are blind, partially sighted, or know someone who is, it’s possible you’ve never wondered how blind people vote. But of course, just like sighted voters, blind and visually impaired people have a right to vote independently, and in secret. For a process so entrenched in the written medium, we find out how polling stations …

Image of old fashion General Election ballot box

11 May 2017

A2i’s story

Susie Fisher started the company in 1999 from a small bedroom! Now many times bigger, you can read the full story here… The idea… Back in 1999 I worked in a university’s disability department, and was asked by a tutor to transcribe some course material into Braille. The internet was still quite new, and I could …

24 April 2017

Meet recent recruit, Marianne

Marianne has recently moved back to her home town of Bristol after a 20-year hiatus in Brighton. She was managing a yoga and alternative health centre in Brighton so becoming a transcriber at A2i is a big change! She is enjoying getting to know Bristol again and has arrived at a very good time – …

21 March 2017

Making maths accessible

A2i’s phone rings: “Hello! We have a visually impaired student at Liverpool Hope University who has enrolled on the BA Mathematics course. She’ll need course documents transcribed every week into Braille and e-text, with touchable diagrams. Can you help?”  Yes, A2i can! Many transcribers may balk at this request, but for Susie and Rosie – …

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