Category: Tactile

11 November 2017

Widening participation and accessible formats

What steps can you take to reach all your print-disabled students and potential students? Making sure your prospectus and open day brochures are available in alternative formats is the first stage in widening participation for students who are visually impaired or otherwise print-disabled. Taking the initiative and having these documents already transcribed and on the shelf, …

7 July 2017

Making linguistics and language learning accessible

How can we make linguistics and language learning accessible for visually impaired students? I’ve just returned from a very fruitful and inspiring workshop, ‘Accessible Linguistics for Visually Impaired Students’ (ALVIS), organised by York St John university exploring just this. Students, academics, teachers, and professionals from Brazil, Poland, and across the UK gathered in the beautiful city of …

21 March 2017

Making maths accessible

A2i’s phone rings: “Hello! We have a visually impaired student at Liverpool Hope University who has enrolled on the BA Mathematics course. She’ll need course documents transcribed every week into Braille and e-text, with touchable diagrams. Can you help?”  Yes, A2i can! Many transcribers may balk at this request, but for Susie and Rosie – …

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