Category: Audio

20 November 2017

A2i’s top facts about alternative formats

How many people read Braille in the UK? How many books are available in alternative formats? What font size is Large Print? You’ll find all these statistics and more in our handy infographic about alternative formats Contact Us Let us know and if you have any questions about accessible formats or the transcription process – we’ll be happy to …

16 October 2017

Getting accessible customer-service right first time

Recent research into how sensory-impaired people access disability benefits highlights problems in the PIP benefits application process. These problems are unnecessary, and hinder people from accessing the benefits they both rely on, and are entitled to. Ensuring people can access their disability benefits is of utmost priority, and these issues need to be addressed. But …

18 September 2017

The Accessible Information Standard: update

Accessible Information Standard How A2i can help you comply with the Accessible Information Standard The UK government’s Accessible Information Standard came into force from the 1st August 2016. You may already know that the Standard requires publicly funded health and social care organisations to ensure patients, service-users, their parents, and carers can get information in …

2 June 2017

How to write an alternative format statement

It may seem an odd question, but just how accessible is your statement about your document’s accessibility? We often find that document accessibility statements like ‘this information is available in alternative formats on request’ are in a tiny, hard-to-read font or colour, often hidden away at the back of the document – when they should …

2 June 2017

Are you reaching all print-disabled customers?

Do you have customers with dyslexia or learning difficulties who might also benefit from accessible formats? Meaning of Print Disability Although most of the recipients of our transcriptions have sight loss, many are sighted but are described as having a ‘print-disability’. But what does ‘print-disabled’ actually mean? “A print disabled person is a person who …

21 January 2017

Stick it to them! Audio on USB sticks: saving money and the environment.

Did you know we can produce audio on USB keys? For longer documents, regular magazines or mail-outs, producing your communications on USBs can save you money – and is a more environmentally-friendly choice. When Susie started A2i back in 1999, most customers preferred audio tapes. Today, we are rarely asked for tape transcriptions – our most …

USB stick
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