Category: Accessibility

2 April 2020

How A2i can help you during coronavirus

Are you offices closed? Are you worried about receiving documents from A2i and then sending them on to your customers? There’s no need to worry – A2i can help you… We are still Open! We know that many people are working from home now, as advised by the government. Some of your offices may already …

Accessible documents - Braille, audio, tactile, large print

30 March 2020

A2i are open and accepting orders during coronavirus

We want to take this opportunity to let all our customers know that A2i are open and accepting work as normal during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.   All transcription services available Fast turnaround times, as always The same friendly, professional service from our staff   A2i have been preparing for this situation, and we are …

An 'Open' sign

10 February 2020

A2i unveil new website

We are pleased to announce that we have launched A2i’s new website. Our website is refreshed and updated and we hope you all like it. Features include: Our blogs page with news and helpful information – guiding you through the maze of accessibility jargon. Our portfolio, giving detailed information about the services we provide to …

Image of new A2i website homepage

3 January 2020

World Braille Day – let’s celebrate

Braille is an incredible reading and writing system, invented by Frenchman Louis Braille. Louis Braille was born on January 4th 1809, so every year on that day we celebrate World Braille Day. The day recognises the contribution Braille makes to blind and visually impaired people around the world. Benefits of Braille Braille enables blind and …

Braille book

6 December 2019

Accessible Menus and Restaurants

Growing up, dinner out in a restaurant was a rare treat for a special occasion. Fast forward 20 odd years and it’s less of a treat and more of a convenience for a fast moving busy world. Years ago, a member of staff would come to you with a pad and pen, take your order …

A menu with clear overlaid Braille

2 December 2019

Easy Read – Top 10 FAQ’s

Many people are still unsure what Easy Read is or how to create it. Below are some Frequently Asked Questions that our customers send us. We hope the information helps you better understand both Easy Read and your customers’ requirements. If you don’t find an answer to your questions here just get in touch with …

Easy Read logo

2 December 2019

Easy Read – should you be providing it?

What is an Easy Read? Easy Read is an increasingly popular format and we are translating more and more documents for our customers. But not everyone knows what it is or whether they should be proving their information in Easy Read for their customers and service users. Hopefully A2i can help you with this decision. …

A lady holding an Easy Read document and smiling

10 October 2019

20 years of business at A2i

As we celebrate A2i’s business maturity and 20th birthday, our MD looks back over 20 years of change and looks ahead to an exciting future. By Susie Fisher A2i has grown into an established and reliable business, and 20 years is a huge success worth celebrating. I look back and remember modems, tape cassettes, and …

Susie Fisher smiling

13 June 2019

Braille maths and tactile diagrams – making maths accessible

“We are delighted with the work carried out by A2i on behalf of our student. It’s highly specialised work, requiring knowledge of both alternative formats and mathematics to a high level. We work with them to provide a timetable for materials to be produced across the year, and they tailor the documents to meet the …

Printed Maths equations

30 May 2019

Helping Liverpool Hope University make Maths accessible

Making Maths accessible with Liverpool Hope University  Customer: Liverpool Hope University A2i services: E-text versions of degree level Maths with tactile diagrams Summary: A2i provides Braille, tactile and E-text versions of course materials so a visually impaired student studying BA Mathematics has equal access to a university education. How we can help A2i has been …

An image of tactile diagram of Rubik's cube for university Maths course
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