Category: Accessibility

22 September 2022

A2i are improving the look of your documents

Your alternative format documents might look different – we hope you like them. A2i’s primary aim is to make information accessible. We specialise in making accessible documents for people with visual or hearing impairments, learning disabilities and other types of disability. As part of our professional service we understand that branding, and a consistent and …

3 CD's with bands of colour to correspond with the corporate colours. Some CD's also show organisations logos and the front cover of the equivalent standard print version.

23 June 2022

Forms and surveys in alternative formats – how to make them accessible

If you have a form or survey, and you’re getting it transcribed into alternative formats such as Braille, Audio, Easy Read or British Sign Language video – that’s great. But have you thought about how people who read the Braille document, or listen to the audio, are going to respond? They can’t just fill in …

Easy Read form

6 June 2022

A2i’s Easy Read User Group – the benefits

Easy Read – the basics Easy Read is an increasingly popular written format that makes information accessible and easy to understand for adults with a learning disability. However, a good Easy Read document can actually be quite difficult to create! In summary, Easy Read translation involves re-writing your information using simple language and grammar careful …

A lady writing feedback on a whiteboard

9 December 2021

Thanks from Public Health Scotland for vaccine information in alternative formats

Thanks to the hard work of our A2i team, and with the expect guidance of staff at Public Health Scotland, we have worked together to produce accurate, reliable, accessible information for people across Scotland during the COVID-19 pandemic. A2i and Public Health Scotland have worked together since 2014. So when the COVID-19 pandemic started in …

Thank You Letter from Public Health Scotland

9 December 2021

Exciting plans for A2i in 2022

A2i’s expansion We are really pleased to announce that A2i are expanding our offices in the New Year. We are currently converting the level below our existing offices into new office space, new recording rooms and a new production area. We’re all very excited about this expansion. It will mean we can increase our staff …

Office space - artists impression

22 October 2021

Top tips – how to communicate with people with hearing loss

BSL (British Sign Language) videos with subtitles are a really important way for you to communicate online with people who have hearing loss. Having a video on your website gives valuable, equal, access to information. But would you know the best way to communicate with someone with hearing loss if you met them face-to-face? Here …

A lady talking to a gentleman, and using hand gestures at the same time.

30 June 2021

Top 10 British Sign Language (BSL) FAQ’s

Here’s some useful information about BSL, BSL interpreters, BSL videos, and the many reasons to get them. More information can also be found on the BSL page on A2i’s website.  1. What is BSL? BSL means British Sign Language. It is a visual way of communicating used by deaf people to talk to each other. …

Lady signing the word 'Communicate' in BSL

7 May 2021

BSL videos – what types there are and what to use them for

A2i are really pleased to be expanding our BSL videos service. Although lots of people know what BSL is (British Sign Language), not many people know about the different types of video you can get, and what they are used for. BSL videos help you make your information accessible to all deaf and hard-of-hearing British …

BSL signer

4 November 2020

How to provide electronic accessible documents to your customers

Many offices are shut during the pandemic, and the way organisations are sending out information is changing rapidly for many, but remember that the Equality Act 2010 still applies and your documents need to be accessible. Commercial and private organisations who supply documents such as bills and magazines/journals that customers have subscribed to, need to …

Transcription to E-text

25 September 2020

Education, COVID-19 and accessible courses for disabled students

A2i can transcribe your documents so your courses are accessible for disabled students. Large Print – Braille – Tactile Diagrams – eText & Accessible PDF’s – Audio – BSL videos COVID-19 A lot has changed for students and staff over the last few months, but there are still students with disabilities who need accessible course material, letters, and prospectuses – plus the …

A range of printed alternative formats
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