Category: E-text

18 March 2025

How to include disabled people in your marketing

From a marketing perspective, it’s essential to market your services appropriately and to think about how your content is received by people with disabilities. And this is true regardless of which market you operate in; ensuring your audience can access your content is absolutely key. According to Purple Tuesday, 1.8 billion disabled people in the …

Sharon Waldron

20 January 2025

How to make your e-text documents and Accessible PDF’s accessible

What does accessibility mean and why is it important? Accessibility simply refers to how user-friendly something is. If your document is accessible this means it can be read and understood by everyone. Different formats are accessible for different reasons and to people with varying disabilities. For individuals who are blind or have a visual impairment, …

A sheet of paper with several colourful graphs on it.

19 July 2024

How has technology improved accessibility over the last 25 years?

At A2i we’re celebrating our 25th birthday so we’re looking back at how accessibility and technology have changed over the last 25 years. From mobile phones to AAC devices, we want to talk about how modern technology has improved accessibility for disabled people. In 1999, as the millennium approached, there was a sense of society …

A hand catching a mobile phone

20 May 2024

5 ways A2i increase the digital accessibility of your e-text PDFs.

by Amelia Ling   At A2i, our expert transcribers follow a strict process, guided by WCAG accessibility standards, to ensure our e-text documents are accessible to people who are Blind or visually impaired. E-text is a digitally accessible format for people who cannot read printed text. Some people need to read information digitally using accessible …

A lady preparing e-text on a computer screen

13 March 2024

How do visually impaired people access e-text documents?

By Dave Horwood As a visually impaired person, I feel empowered when an e-text document is accessible. It means I can access information without assistance, on an equal footing with my sighted friends and family. What is E-text? E-text is text that can be read digitally such as e-books, pdf documents and even text messages. …

Dave sitting at his desk, smiling, in A2i's office. He is wearing a turquoise jumper and has headphones on

4 October 2023

‘A new Consumer Duty’: new access rules for financial services organisations

Since July of this year, financial services organisations have been expected to follow new rules that govern how they should treat their customers, especially more vulnerable customers. If you are an organisation that offers financial services such as banking, insurance or investment, this is for you. We want to help you keep up to date …

A desk with bills, a calculator and a pen spread across it

23 March 2023

What is the difference between Large Print and e-text?

By Amelia Ling   Large Print and e-text are both alternative formats for people with a print disability. If someone has a print disability, this means they have a visual impairment or a learning disability that impacts their ability to read, such as dyslexia. What is similar? For both Large Print and e-text, all text …

An open laptop on a desk. There is an orange and black image on the screen, above some text. There is an open notebook by the laptop. A person's arm is on the desk, with the hand hovering over the mouse pad of the laptop.

13 March 2023

What is e-text?

By Amelia Ling E-text has become an incredibly popular format for companies to have transcribed. But what is e-text? E-text simply means any text that can be read digitally such as a book, pdf and even a text message. Your company might require documents to be transcribed into e-text so they can be read digitally …

A young man sitting at a desk, looking at a laptop and listening to audio through headphones.

23 June 2022

Forms and surveys in alternative formats – how to make them accessible

If you have a form or survey, and you’re getting it transcribed into alternative formats such as Braille, Audio, Easy Read or British Sign Language video – that’s great. But have you thought about how people who read the Braille document, or listen to the audio, are going to respond? They can’t just fill in …

Easy Read form

4 November 2020

How to provide electronic accessible documents to your customers

Many offices are shut during the pandemic, and the way organisations are sending out information is changing rapidly for many, but remember that the Equality Act 2010 still applies and your documents need to be accessible. Commercial and private organisations who supply documents such as bills and magazines/journals that customers have subscribed to, need to …

Transcription to E-text
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