6 October 2017
Sightsavers’ work to eliminate avoidable blindness
It’s World Smile Day…
and who can forget Criscent’s smile after his double cataract operation by Sightsavers?
Today we’re instantly reminded of Criscent Bwambale from Uganda, wearing his new glasses after having life-changing double cataract surgery at the age of six. BBC News In Pictures documents Criscent’s experience.
Criscent’s operation was made possible by Sightsavers, a charity working to eliminate avoidable blindness around the world, and support people with a visual impairment to live independently. The charity asked families in Uganda to put their children forward for free eye tests. Find out what happened to Criscent at https://www.bbc.com/news/in-pictures-36665483.
Sadly, Criscent is one of an estimated 18 million people in the developing world who lives with preventable blindness – shockingly 80% of sight loss can be cured or prevented. Join Sightsavers’ campaign to include disability issues in global development goals and policies – let’s work with them to help protect sight, and fight for disability rights.
Photo credit: Tommy Trenchard/Sightsavers