2 April 2020

How you can help your customers in isolation

A2i can help you stay in touch with your customers with a disability even if they can’t leave their house (and if you / we can’t either!)


Someone reading an accessible document on their computer


For people in isolation, communication is vital. Online or emailed information is proving invaluable at a time when offices are manned by less staff.

You can help your customers in isolation by:


Making your online content accessible 

1) Put your information online in accessible formats such as Large Print, Audio, e-text and Easy Read. We can

  • email Large Print as Word and/or PDF documents to you, including forms and surveys
  • send you mp3 versions of your documents, to upload
  • create Accessible PDF and Accessible Word versions of your documents, that can be used with screen reading and screen magnifying software
  • design accessible Easy Read documents for you, including editable Easy Read forms so your customers can complete them online and email them to you


2) Sending accessible documents to your customers by email

You can also email the formats mentioned above to your customers. This is a useful way to communicate information requested by individual people, or needed by certain groups only. It is also a more proactive way or disseminating fast-changing information.


If you would like any advice on any of the above formats please get in touch.

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