22 May 2018

GDPR and Access – find out what your clients really want

Image of some hands typing on a keyboard in a work environment.

Contacting your clients about GDPR?

Find out their preferred format at the same time.

Did you know that not all blind people read Braille? Some people may prefer Large PrintAudio, or e-text formats. Some of your customers with failing eyesight might not even be aware of the opportunity to read information in Large Print. And don’t forget that Easy Read format is an increasingly popular way for people with learning disabilities to access information.

Finding out someone’s preferred format is the first step in making your information accessible. It’s simple to do and means that you’re in a better position to get your information out there.

Let us help you

We have trained and experienced staff who are ready and willing to help you make your information accessible to your blind, partially sighted, and print disabled customers, so for a chat about your project requirements, call us on 01179 44 00 44 or email info@a2i.co.uk

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