Easy Read Services

Our Easy Read translation services

Easy Read is a specialist format that combines images with clear text. It is designed to help organisations communicate with people with a learning disability. The Easy Read format has been developed by and with adults with a learning disability to meet their needs.

Our experienced and knowledgeable in-house experts can produce Easy Read documents, videos and surveys.

We have produced Easy Read documents for the NHS, the Scottish Parliament, Bristol Community Health CIC, Bristol City Council, and many housing associations and local authorities.

How to transcribe documents into Easy Read format

Get a quote for Easy Read translation

Do you have any questions or need extra Easy Read information?

A2i staff including work experience trainee from Mencap sitting around a table having a meeting

Our partnerships

We have worked closely with a leading consultant on Easy Read translation to develop our service and ensure that our Easy Read is fully accessible to the target audience.

Our Easy Read user groups, run in partnership with the UK’s leading learning disability charity MENCAP, and a local charity OpenStoryTellers, make sure we produce the best and most accessible Easy Read documents possible. We believe it’s fundamentally important that we continue to receive direct input from the people most likely to use the documents, and are dedicated to the continual improvement of our service to ensure ongoing accessibility.

Our process
How to place an order for Easy Read documents


Email the document to be transcribed

All you need to do is email us the document that you need translated into Easy Read format. Let us know any other details and whether you have a deadline.


Receive a quote for Easy Read translation

We'll send you a fixed price quote for our Easy Read services. We'll confirm the turnaround time and also suggest any additional options you may wish to consider.


Sit back and relax

Our in-house specialists will reformat your document to Easy Read, for people with learning disabilities. We will send your new document to you, or directly to your recipients - usually within 5-10 working days.

Get in touch

Our price guide gives our latest prices for Easy Read translation

Click here to see our prices

Our Easy Read services include:

Easy Read letter, report and health information

Different types of document

  • letters, books, magazines and reports
  • financial billing and statements
  • NHS and health information
  • summary legal contracts
  • forms and surveys


Easy Read survey, exhibition booklet and video

Output in various styles

  • bespoke design and editorial
  • branding to match original
  • printing and binding as needed
  • Easy Read videos
  • online surveys
Easy Read timeline and statistics

Expert detail

  • a logical structure and clear design
  • clear jargon-free language
  • use of Photosymbol images
  • redesign of tables, charts and forms
  • ongoing checking group


What does Easy Read look like?

Take a look at one of the sample Easy Read documents we have produced. You can see that we have maintained the corporate style whilst rewriting the text in Easy Read format and making it more accessible for adults with learning disabilities:

The original looked like this:

Original document
Original document

You can click below to view the full original version in PDF.

View the original

The Easy Read version we developed looks like this:

Easy Read version
Easy Read version

You can click below to view the full Easy Read version in PDF.

View the Easy Read

Other ways of creating Easy Read

Most Easy Read content is produced as PDFs because they are easy to distribute by email, to make available online, and to print. However we also offer the following options:

Image from Easy Read video

Easy Read videos

Videos are very accessible to people with learning disabilities, and are often preferred. They also give the opportunity to reveal part of the document at a time, which can make long or complex documents less overwhelming. We use a simple style similar to a presentation; appropriate text is displayed alongside corresponding still images. Optional voiceover increases accessibility. Click here to see a sample
Easy Read video.

Image of Easy Read as part of a webpage

Easy Read embedded in your webpages

It’s great if you can incorporate Easy Read text and style directly into some of your webpages to make these available to readers. This makes Easy Read part of your website itself. We’re able to work with you to provide the appropriate text and images for the pages you need. Click here to see a sample page on our own site explaining What is Easy Read.

Image of online survey in Easy Read

Easy Read surveys online

It’s much simpler for readers if they can complete and submit surveys online. We can provide the text and images you need for an online survey, or create a survey for you on the Typeform survey platform. Click here to see an example of what’s possible with our Customer Feedback Survey in Easy Read.

Do you have any questions about Easy Read, for adults with learning disabilities?

If so, please take a few moments to complete our short form below.
We’ll aim to get back to you within 1 business day.

Alternatively, if you’d like a quote for your transcription use our quote form.

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