Norwich Theatre Case Study
Transcription of ‘What’s On’ brochure to Braille, Audio CD with Braille labels, Large Print (online and print)
Project info
Norwich Theatre – championing accessible theatre
Customer: Norwich Theatre, Norwich
Services provided by A2i: ‘What’s On’ brochure transcribed to Braille, Audio CD with Braille labels, Large Print (online and print) so visually impaired customers have equal access to all shows and events.
A2i’s work with Norwich Theatre
Three times a year Norwich Theatre publish their What’s On guide, packed with information about all their shows. It details the show dates, synopses of the shows, a list of the star performers, and important information about access performances.
Just before the standard print version is published, A2i starts work on the accessible versions. We produce professional, high-quality alternative formats that enable visually impaired theatre goers to read all the information they might want at their leisure, and support the theatre in offering first-class customer service:
- Braille: The 30 page standard print version is transformed into a Braille document of about 124 pages long. Most people just don’t realise how much bigger Braille documents are! The Braille What’s On guide is produced double-sided on A4 paper to make the Braille as user-friendly as possible and has a clear cover (with Braille on) and cardboard back to aid durability.
- Audio: The recording is 2 CD’s in length, and we use our expertise to make sure the recording is easy to navigate and informative but fun to listen, although some of the names can be quite interesting to pronounce! We add Braille labels to the CD’s so recipients can easily tell what is on the CD’s, without having to put them into a CD player. This is really helpful when you have a lot of information arriving on CD.
- Large Print: We design our large print with black text on pale white paper, for maximum visual clarity. The Large Print What’s On guide for Norwich Theatre is usually about 100 sides in length and we use layout, formatting and styling to ensure a clear, accessible product for the readers. We also provide an electronic version for the theatre to put on their website.
Applause all round!
Norwich Theatre’s customers love receiving their regular alternative format brochures – direct to their door.
Customers are able to access the same information as sighted people and book to view their favourite shows at the same time as everyone else.
Great customer service and a great theatre!
Contact our friendly team for more information or to request a quote if you’d like some documents transcribed.