About A2i Transcription Services

A leading transcription services provider
A2i is an accessible communication specialist and leading transcription service provider. The A2i team believes in the importance of accessible communication to help you reach a wider audience by making your information accessible to people who are blind, visually-impaired, hearing impaired or cannot read printed or on-screen text.

Why A2i? Our name reflects our service: to provide ‘Access 2 information’. Our expert transcription services change text into alternative accessible formats, so that everyone can have equal access to information.

To find out more about any of our transcription services, please select from the drop-down Services menu at the top of the page.

Our transcription services video

Click here to read the full script of our video.

Our transcription services provide information in the following formats:

BrailleAudio Transcription, Large PrintEasy Read TranslationE-TextTactileBSL Video Production ServicesMoon

We really want to make a difference. We want to influence and enable others to improve accessibility, supporting others to change their area and even the world. So if you want to discuss how we can help you make a difference in your sector or in your country, please get in touch.

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What we're really all about...

Samples by A2i

As a transcription provider, we:

  • make information accessible for people with disabilities
  • help businesses meet their legal requirements and equality duties
  • provide a fast turnaround
  • offer a friendly and professional service.

Easy Read discussion group meeting

As a business, we:

  • offer an honest and ethical place of employment
  • create a positive working environment, with a focus on communication and flexibility
  • have a culture of respect, teamwork and balance
  • care about job satisfaction and personal growth.
Susie Fisher

How A2i started

Susie Fisher started the A2i in 1999 from a bedroom! Now a thriving small business with a dedicated team, Susie tells us A2i’s story.

“I founded A2i back in 1999 when I worked in a university’s disability department and discovered it was impossible to get accessible formats transcribed for our visually impaired students in under two months.

I felt this was a huge equality problem, but one I could do something about – so I set up A2i as a document transcription provider. With the help of my team, A2i is now a leading alternative formats and transcription service provider in the UK. As an accessible communication specialist, A2i offers a speedy and reliable transcription service for a whole range of companies, individuals and organisations who want to be able to reach their blind, visually impaired and print-disabled audiences…”.

You can read the full story here...

We turned 25 in 2024!

It was a big birthday for us in 2024, having been in business for 25 years. This is a huge achievement for any small business and we celebrated throughout the year with various events and giveaways. We used our 25th anniversary as an opportunity to refresh our brand – hopefully you can see a modern twist to our logo whilst maintaining our recognisable shape!

Lots has happened in the alternative formats sector in the last 25+ years and we’ve really enjoyed sharing some interesting stories about how things have changed and what might be to come in our 2024 blogs and newsletters.

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Our commitment to Sustainability

A2i believe in collective action in order to help the UK achieve Net Zero by 2030. Our climate action involves using renewable energy and products that are responsibly sourced and easily recyclable. Sustainability is integral to the daily operations at A2i, from the installation of our solar panels to how we dispose of our waste. Every decision we make reinforces our commitment to sustainability.

Image showing someone planting a seedling.
Data Security

Information Security at A2i

A2i prioritise the security of private and confidential data. How we collect, store, and use such data abides by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Data Protection Act 2018. These regulations decide how long we store personal information, including your bank details, client information, and the documents we transcribe for you.

We are of course registered with the ICO and we also have Cyber Essentials certification.

We always store personal information securely, take our legal responsibilities seriously, and will go further than required when appropriate. We will always be honest and transparent about access to your data.

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