We’ve tried to answer some of the more frequently asked questions here. Please just get in touch if you have any more questions or want to chat about your requirements.
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What are alternative formats?
- Alternative formats means different methods of presenting text to make it accessible for disabled people
- Alternative formats for blind people includes Braille, Audio, Large Print and Electronic formats or E-text
- An alternative format for people with learning disabilities is called Easy Read
- Alternative formats for deaf people includes sign language videos
What is Braille transcription?
- Braille transcription means translating printed text into Braille
- Braille is a tactile code made of raised dots
- Braille is read by many blind people and people with sight loss
- Braille transcription involves specialist knowledge, software and an embossing machine
How does Braille printing work?
- Braille is embossed rather than printed but is still often called printing
- A specialist printer is used called a Braille embosser which punches paper to form raised dots
- Text is translated and prepared in specialist Braille translation software and then sent to the embosser
- Double-sided Braille can be produced by embossing the dots on one side so they are between the dots on the reverse
- Braille documents need to be checked for legibility based on the height of the raised dots, and the distance between dots
- Braille should be bound to form a book that is easy to handle and can also be opened flat
- A printed title is usually added to make sure a sighted person can identify the document when necessary
What is E-text?
- E-text means electronic text. We use it to mean electronic formats that are accessible for people with disabilities.
- E-text includes accessible word documents, accessible PDFs and accessible ePubs
- When electronic documents are made fully accessible, they can be accessed with screen readers or screen enlarging software
What is Audio transcription?
- Audio transcription can mean the process of converting text to audio, or audio to text
- Transcription services that translate audio to text use professional speed typists
- Transcription services that translate text to audio use recording studios
- Text to audio is important to make documents accessible to people with sight loss
How to create an audio version
- Record a voice artist reading a document in a recording studio
- Describe any non-text items such as diagrams and graphs
- Create separate audio tracks for each chapter or section
- Add the title and a contents list at the very start of the first track
How to get documents translated into audio
- Use a voice artist and a recording studio, or find a transcription company
- Make sure the transcription company transcribes text to audio (not audio to text)
- Make sure the transcription company knows how to produce audio versions of documents for blind people
- A good transcription company will know how to describe content for people with no sight
- Decide whether you want your audio on CD, USB stick, or online for streaming or downloading
Why use a real voice for audio documents?
- Most people find real voice audio much easier to listen to
- Human voice will include the correct tone of voice for the context
- Electronic voice is useful for some situations for example bank statements to ensure accuracy
How to make a document into a sign language video
- Adapt the document so that it would work as a script
- Use a professional BSL signer who can adapt the script for a deaf audience and sign the text to a camera
- A deaf signer is recommended when possible for accuracy and experience
- A sign language interpreter may be required to assist with communication with the deaf signer
- Add titles and subtitles if required
- Produce on DVD or upload for online streaming
How to add sign language to a video
- Produce a script from the video
- Use a professional BSL signer who can adapt the script for a deaf audience and sign the text to a camera
- Shrink the main video to a smaller size and add the signer as an inset video so that this does not overlap with any essential viewing
- Adjust the timing of the signer so that the text is in sync with the main video, use fade out for long periods if necessary
- Produce on DVD or upload for online streaming