Smart Energy GB Case Study


A2i has worked very collaboratively with Smart Energy GB to produce a series of accessible information leaflets such as online Easy Read, printed Easy Read and Accessible PDFs (e-text) aimed at vulnerable people.

Project info

About Smart Energy GB

Smart Energy GB is an independent, non-profit organisation that helps households and small businesses across Great Britain to understand how smart meters can benefit them, their families and the environment.

The organisation collaborates with a wide range of stakeholders including charities, voluntary organisations, and major national partners like the English Football League (EFL) to reach people throughout the country.

For more information about Smart Energy GB, visit their website:

Their challenge

Smart Energy GB are highly committed to accessibility and inclusion and want to ensure that everyone has easy access to the information delivered in their campaigns, particularly those in vulnerable circumstances, who may otherwise miss out on the opportunity to get a smart meter.

Their communications cover various topics including different types of smart meters (i.e. pre-pay meters), debt guides, fuel poverty information, managing household budgets.

The information they deliver is segmented and aimed at different categories of people such as those without fundamental digital skills; low income families; those on prepay; or private renters. But essentially Smart Energy GB wants the documents to be accessible to all levels of understanding.

In order to meet their objectives to make information accessible, they’ve been requesting transcriptions of their main documents into several formats:

  • fully branded Accessible PDFs
  • fully accessible online and printed Easy Read documents in English and Welsh
  • Easy Read web pages and social media content

Accessible smart meter

Our solution

We worked very collaboratively with Smart Energy GB to produce high quality transcription which not only factor in the target audience but also incorporate the organisation’s brand guidelines and tone of voice.

It was important to ensure that the friendly, optimistic, wise and realistic tone of voice Smart Energy GB use throughout all their core communications is also included in their Easy Read documents. Their enthusiasm and optimism about smart meters is what makes their expertise go so much further and we were really keen to portray this throughout the transcribed elements.

We also worked very closely with our Easy Read user group to ensure the transcribed documents will be easily understood by Smart Energy GB’s readers of all levels of understanding. Once the English version was approved, it was translated in Welsh, and the same process was applied to the Welsh document. Finally once all Easy Read versions are signed off, we make them into accessible PDFs for use online (WCAG 2.1 AA. Compliant).

We have been working with Smart Energy GB on a regular basis since 2020 and have developed a great working relationship over time. We know their organisation, branding and target audience so well now that it is second nature for us to transcribe their documents. While it took a bit of adjustment at first, we’re now at a point where there is minimal amends requested from our initial draft. Where possible, we usually aim to incorporate images of their core communications in the Easy Read format to ensure there is consistency in the message and look and feel of the documents.

The outcome

Easy Read and Large Print leaflets

Easy Read leaflet

Smart Energy GB’s feedback

“We have worked with A2i for a few years now and it’s been fantastic! Turning complex messaging into Easy Read is not always straight forward but the team at A2i always share their reasoning behind decisions made and provide an excellent service throughout. I trust the team in creating the best format possible for our audiences and that’s really all you could ask for in a supplier!”

Eva Astreinidou, Smart Energy GB, July 2024

“We wanted to pass on our thanks in regards to the quality of this piece of work, we were very impressed. It’s not easy to distil this amount of information in such an accessible way.” “I wanted to thank you again for a fantastic ER – there was a lot of complex information that have been transformed into easy to understand guidance.”

Beatrice Shaw, Smart Energy GB, September 2022


A2i can help you too – get in touch with us


To find out how A2i can help you make your information accessible, get in touch – we’re happy to help!

Contact our friendly team for more information, or to request a quote if you’d like some documents transcribed.

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