Ecclesiastical Insurance Case Study
Ecclesiastical Insurance and A2i have worked together for almost 15 years to provide accessible insurance documents, and financial independence. Services provided by A2i: Large Print, Audio CD, Braille.
Project info
About Ecclesiastical Insurance
Ecclesiastical Insurance was first established 135 years ago to protect churches. Today, they help both individuals and organisations to protect what matters most to them, with comprehensive insurance services.
Ecclesiastical, part of the Benefact Group, are proud of their reputation for excellent customer service and have received numerous awards that demonstrate they are prepared to go the extra mile to support their customers.
Ecclesiastical Insurance and A2i Transcription Services, working together
Since July 2023, new rules have been put in place by the Financial Conduct Authority to ensure financial services organisations provide flexible support for their customers. This includes providing documents in alternative formats for people who need them. The rule states documents have to be ‘easily understood’.
Yet Ecclesiastical Insurance are proactive and customer focused. They have provided documents in other formats for their customers for a long time. In fact, Ecclesiastical placed their first order for accessible documents, with A2i in 2009, and we have worked successfully together ever since.
What Ecclesiastical Insurance need
Everyone needs insurance. We all want quick and easy access to our Policy number and to the start and end dates of each policy. But that’s not all. Amongst other things, we need to know the cost, payment schedules and full policy details so we know what our insurance covers.
People who can’t read standard print text also need insurance, and easy access to this information.
Ecclesiastical Insurance know this and aim to provide excellent customer service and positive customer outcomes, with delivery of relevant documents to each Policy holder in their preferred format, as quickly as possible.
Apart from speed, accuracy is vital. Policy documents are formal legal documents that are part of the insurance contract, and contain all the detailed terms and conditions.
Ecclesiastical Insurance approached A2i to see whether we could meet their expectations and requirements: accurately transcribed documents, in a range of alternative formats and with fast delivery.
A2i’s solution
Since 2009, A2i have transcribed documents to Large Print, Audio CD and Braille for Ecclesiastical Insurance.
We transcribe a wide variety of Insurance documents and letters, promptly and professionally. We follow best practice guidelines for transcription, in addition to design schemes previously agreed with Ecclesiastical Insurance, and ensure the documents are clear and user-friendly.
We all know that insurance documents can be long and detailed. Features such as bold words to indicate defined meanings, and margin notes to highlight important information, need to be logically and accurately transcribed within each alternative format. In addition, there are often tables and lists that need to be portrayed clearly.
Our turnaround time is usually only 3 working days to dispatch. A2i’s safe data storage facilities, policies and practices mean we can work on personal documents for Ecclesiastical Insurance’s customers and send them directly to the end-user to speed up delivery.
We have an excellent established relationship with the marketing team at Ecclesiastical Insurance. To maintain their internal procedures, all Large Print and Audio documents are sent to them for approval before final production. In addition, Braille documents are checked by A2i’s Blind consultant, for whom Braille is her first language for reading.
The results
The long and friendly working relationship between Ecclesiastical Insurance and A2i ensures Ecclesiastical Insurance meet their legal obligations and support their customers in the right way, whilst also providing excellent customer service.
A2i have produced hundreds of documents for Ecclesiastical Insurance customers in Large Print, Audio and Braille, to ensure they have fair and equal access to the information they need.
Quote about A2i from Ecclesiastical Insurance
“We have been using A2i for many years and they make the experience for translating documents seamless. They are always prompt in responding, the work is completed to a great standard, and the team are always helpful. We would highly recommend A2I to anyone looking for a reliable and efficient translation service.”
Holly Merrett, Marketing Specialist
Ecclesiastical Insurance
Great prices and great customer service from A2i
To find out how A2i can help you make your information accessible, get in touch – we’re happy to help!
Contact our friendly team for more information, or to request a quote if you’d like some documents transcribed.